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JUNO Learning Updates 2023-09-21

Release date: September, 21st 2023

This release includes enhancements for our learning management tools.


Course editor LEARNING

  • Implemented a feature enhancement allowing administrators to conveniently access each course’s editor tools directly from the course’s home page, eliminating the need to navigate to the course catalog and search for the course they want to update, ensuring an efficient editing experience.

Accessing the course editor from a course’s home page.


Course editor LEARNING

  • Removed the course editor's back button to eliminate redundancy, as the browser's back button and all necessary navigation options are readily accessible.

The course editor’s back button has been removed.



  • Resolved the issue where admins could not delete courses, as selecting the delete button led to a perpetual spinner, error snack notification, console errors, and failure to delete the course; now, course deletion functions as expected.

  • Fixed an issue where cloning courses received a 404 error instead of being routed to the newly created course info page.

  • Fixed an intermittent issue where the Complete button in courses was not working.

Das admin PLATFORM

  • Implemented an enhancement ensuring that learners' answers for lessons containing Ratings or Rankings questions are now visible in Course Reports, allowing admins to collect valuable data, addressing the issue where this information was previously unavailable.

Dashboards LEARNING

  • Fixed an issue where learners were not being re-routed correctly to a Course when using the Go To Course button from the My Courses tab of My Profile.

Enrollments LEARNING

  • Resolved an issue within the user name layout on enrollment pages, where when no first or last name was provided for a learner, a comma was displayed; now, the comma is removed except when both the first and last name are present, ensuring improved user name display and consistency.

Lesson parts LEARNING

  • Addressed an intermittent issue where learners occasionally encountered a Go To First Unfinished Video error despite meeting the specified % watched requirement, ensuring that learners can proceed to the next lesson after surpassing the watch % threshold.

Prerequisites LEARNING

  • Fixed an issue where the prerequisites editor could not be accessed in the course editor.

  • Fixed an issue where the Create Course button did not function on the Prerequisites page.

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