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Representatives tab: Speaker editor

Add more editors to a speakers page so they can help can create and maintain content.

If you are a speaker editing your own page, DO NOT touch this section unless you have instructions from your site organizer. It impacts other functionality around the site.

(lightbulb) Before you begin

  • Remember to click Save Changes at the top of the page before leaving the tab or clicking View Page. Otherwise, you’ll lose your work.

  • People need to be registered for the site before you can add them.

Add a page editor

  1. In the Representatives tab, click Add Member.

  2. In the pop-up window, Search for their name and select them.

  3. Describe their Role. This doesn’t show up on the page.

  4. Select Has Admin Rights if you want them to view analytics and edit the page.

  5. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the pop-up window. Then Close the search directory.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 to add more representatives.

  7. When you’re done adding all representatives, click Save Changes at the top of the page.

The Do Not Disturb option will not change anything on the speaker page. You can keep it toggled off.

Edit and delete representatives

Reorder items by clicking and dragging the 3 lines icon on the left.

Edit an item by clicking the Gear icon on the right. From there, you can edit its information and settings, or delete it.

Remember to click Save Changes at the top of the page.

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