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v2.11(3) Update

Release date: December 18th, 2023

This release includes enhancements for our virtual and live events platform.


Basic Analytics PLATFORM

  • Site admins can now efficiently monitor users' external link or route actions in the User Activity Export, labeled as 'Click - External Route' in the dropdown option during the second step. Providing valuable insights into user interactions by logging off-platform clicks and facilitating a more comprehensive understanding of user behavior for improved platform management.


  • Updated the Like button on library pages to favorite the content. Once selected, the content is added to a separate rotator that shows each user's favorite Library Pages.


Sessions EVENTS

  • Fixed attendee redirection and unintended return to sub breakouts, addressing incomplete sub breakout creation, perpetual 'preparing sub breakouts' state, and misleading 'creating 0 of 1 breakouts' notification for admins.

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