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JUNO Learning Updates 2023-07-21

Release date: July 21st, 2023

This release includes enhancements for our learning management tools.

Reminder about past releases

Exciting update: vNow and vNext are now synchronized! This ensures that clients receive the most up-to-date versions of both every week. Take a look at the newest enhancements for vNow here.


Updates to sitewide analytics - everything you need to know PLATFORM

For site admins, platform data is now easier to examine because it is visually graphed and categorized. This new Basic Analytics page can be added and accessible through the More navigation menu but is only accessible to site admins.

Comprehensive updates and improvements have enhanced the basic analytics page with new tools and functionality to provide administrators with valuable insights into various activities and engagements across the platform.

The Basic Analytics page has two tabs; Examine your Data and User Activity Reporter; each has unique benefits for administrators. For this release, we will focus on the examine your data tab.

Please note that all existing analytics pages and reports are still available. This page is an addition to existing reports.

Examine your data

This page categorizes your data into seven unique tabs with different widgets. The tabs and filters at the top of the page help you quickly find the topic you’re looking for based on the content, activity category, and timeframe. For example, the Forum Views widget would be under Community Participation, while the Live Sessions widget would be under Event Activity. Each widget displays data in a line graph to help you understand your data over time. You can narrow that time frame even further with the Time Frame, Start Date, and End Date filters.

Widgets are expandable to see more details. Select a specific widget graph to examine the graph of a particular day in the past. Or, for even more granularity, filter the time frame to a single day and explore the chart by the hour.

Examining the number of live sessions that occurred over the last 30 days.

Newly Updated Widgets

Partner Interaction

The Partner Meetings Scheduled widget displays the total number of meetings scheduled by each Partner, enabling better tracking of meeting activities. Additionally, the Partner Chats Initiated widget offers analytic data on the total number of chats initiated by Partners, giving insights into communication trends.

Community Participation

A series of widgets has been introduced to understand forum activities better. The Forum Views widget presents analytic data on the total number of views by Forum Topic, helping administrators gauge the popularity and relevance of different discussion topics. Similarly, the Forum Posts widget showcases the total number of posts by Forum Topic, offering insights into user engagement and contributions within specific discussions. The Forum Comments widget provides data on the total number of comments by Forum Topic, allowing administrators to understand the level of interaction and feedback on particular topics. Furthermore, the new Forum Topic Follows widget tracks the number of follows by Forum Topic, offering valuable information on user interests and preferences.

Additionally, two more widgets have been introduced to enhance insights into social feed interactions and group activities. The Social Feed Posts widget provides analytic data on the total number of posts by Social Feed, enabling administrators to track user-generated content and community engagement. The Group Page Views widget presents data on the total number of views by Group Page, giving insights into the popularity and visibility of different group pages.

Download a CSV report from each widget to get all the data and its specifics.

These are all of the available widgets, and CSV reports (click to expand):

Click to expand available widgets and report information

Tab Name

Widget Name


Data in the downloaded CSV report

User Overview

Active Users

Users that logged in at least once within your specified timeframe.

  • User ID

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Company

  • Email

  • User Points

    • Activity Points Earned

  • Date Created

  • Date Last Login

    • Last login timestamp

  • Tags (non-preferred)

  • Tags (preferred)

User Activity Points

  • Action

  • Label

  • DateTime

  • User Agent

    • Browser/device info

  • Content ID

  • Content Name

  • Content Slug

New Users

New Users created within your specified timeframe.

User Activity Points

Activity Points earned by Users within your specified timeframe.

Event Activity

Live Sessions

Sessions that were live within your specified timeframe.

  • User ID

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Company

  • Email

  • User Points

    • Activity Points Earned

  • Date Created

  • Date Last Login

    • Last login timestamp

  • Tags (non-preferred)

  • Tags (preferred)

  • Category

  • Action

  • Label

  • DateTime

  • Metric

  • User Agent

    • Browser/device info

  • Content ID

  • Content Name

  • Content Slug

Community Participation

Forum Views

Total user views of your forum within your specified timeframe.

  • User ID

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Company Email

  • User Points

    • Activity Points Earned

  • Date Created

  • Date Last Login

    • Last login timestamp

  • Tags (non-preferred)

  • Tags (preferred)

  • Category

  • Action

  • Label

  • DateTime

  • Metric

  • User Agent

    • Browser/device info

  • Content ID

  • Content Name

  • Content Slug

Forum Posts

Total forum posts created within your specified timeframe.

Forum Comments

Total new comments on forum posts within your specified timeframe.

Forum Topic Follows

Total new forum topic follows within your specified timeframe.

Social Feed Posts

Social Feed posts created within your specified timeframe.

Group Page Views

Total number of views by Group Page within your specified timeframe.

Learning Engagement

Courses Started

The total number of started Courses, by Course, within your specified timeframe.

  • User ID

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Company Email

  • User Points

    • Activity Points Earned

  • Date Created

  • Date Last Login

    • Last login timestamp

  • Tags (non-preferred)

  • Tags (preferred)

  • Category

  • Action

  • Label

  • DateTime

  • Metric

    • Credits Earned

  • User Agent

    • Browser/device info

  • Content ID

  • Content Name

  • Content Slug

Courses Enrolled

The total number of enrolled courses, by course, within your specified timeframe.

Courses Completed

The total number of completed Courses, by Course, within your specified timeframe.

OnDemand / Library Views

the total number of Views by content, within your specified timeframe.

OnDemand / Library Comments

The total number of comments by content, within your specified timeframe.

CE Credits Earned

The total number of CE Credits Earned, by credit, within your specified timeframe.

Partner Interaction

Partner Page Views

Total Partner page (Exhibitor suite) views within your specified timeframe. (Unique by user)

  • User ID

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Company

  • Email

  • User Points

    • Activity Points Earned

  • Date Created

  • Date Last Login

    • Last login timestamp

  • Tags (non-preferred)

  • Tags (preferred)

  • Category

  • Action Label

  • DateTime

  • Metric

  • User Agent

    • Browser/device info

  • Content ID

  • Content Name

  • Content Slug

Partner Chats Initiated

Total direct message chats started with Partners within your specified timeframe. (This means a user clicked a “Message” button on the partner page.)

Partner Meetings Scheduled

Total scheduled meetings with Partners within your specified timeframe. (This means a user clicked a “Schedule” button on the partner page.)

Networking Activity

Direct Messaging Conversations

Total # of 1:1 Direct messaging invites initiated within your specified timeframe.

  • User ID

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Company

  • Email

  • User Points

    • Activity Points Earned

  • Date Created

  • Date Last Login

    • Last login timestamp

  • Tags (non-preferred)

  • Tags (preferred)

  • Category

  • Action Label

  • DateTime

  • Metric

  • User Agent

    • Browser/device info

  • Content ID

  • Content Name

  • Content Slug

1:1 Meetings Scheduled

Total # of 1:1 Meetings scheduled within your specified timeframe.

This report is available in two locations. For a more in-depth report, go to the Analytics tab in the site admin dashboard and download the Activity Report. In the Category column, search for ‘Schedule Complete’ to see all meetings scheduled and the users' names.

  • User ID

  • Category

  • Action Label

  • DateTime

  • Metric

  • User Agent

    • Browser/device info

  • Content ID

  • Content Name

  • Content Slug



  • Implemented Add to Cart flow and purchase.

Das admin reports PLATFORM

  • Updated the report tiles in Das Admin to reflect courses or dates specified to ensure admin can more easily identify different report requests.

  • Added Percent Completed, Date Started, and Enrollment Date to specific Learning Reports.

  • Updated course reports for consistency.


  • Implemented a synch between vnow nad vnext tags for users.


Basic Analytics PLATFORM

  • Fixed an issue where the session widget was not returning data for any date range.

  • Fixed an issue with the basic analytics pages.

Education credits (EC) LEARNING

  • Fixed issue where placeholder text for the Education Credits search/create new text box was still present after beginning to type in the field.

  • Fixed issue where errors were thrown for non-required fields when creating new CE from the course information page.

Certificates LEARNING

  • Fixed an issue where opening a certificate caused flashing for the page and the certificate.

Course catalog pages LEARNING

  • Fixed an issue with the filtering on course catalog pages.

  • Fixed an issue with dates and course catalog filtering.

Das admin reports PLATFORM

  • Fixed issue where .csv download for Students Enrolled Per Course had an incorrect title.

  • Fixed issue where course report for Students From Each School Per Course was not downloading.

Enrollment LEARNING

  • Fixed an issue where removing the max capacity was not moving all waitlisted learners to the enrolled tab.


  • Fixed an issue where timed lesson notification was not showing before each lesson.

Lesson parts LEARNING

  • Fixed an issue where attempting to add multiple images to Lesson descriptions and Blurbs was causing the list view to be unusable.


  • Removed Dark mode from Das Admin.

  • Fixed an issue where an error message appeared after attempting to update times from Das Admin and the FET.

  • Fixed pagination issue with user list view.

Resources LEARNING

  • Fixed an issue where uploading resources got stuck in infinite loading if the description was not set.

  • Fixed an issue where changing the order of Resources on courses was not saving.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.