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Directory modules

This guide will walk you through adding and customizing the Directory module on a page, fostering efficient navigation, and boosting user engagement within your community.


adding the directory module to a page.

Module options

  • Name: You can change the module's name (not visible on the front end).

  • Title: Customize the title of the Directory module, which is visible to the front-end user.

Show saved contacts

  • Checkbox Default On: This option is enabled by default. It displays saved contacts, showcasing five users simultaneously with pagination at the bottom.

    • Tooltip: “This feature toggles the visibility of the saved contacts section at the top of the directory.”

Show recommended users

  • Checkbox Default On: This option is enabled by default. It showcases a rotator of recommended contacts recommended by [insert recommended info here].

    • Tooltip: “Toggles the visibility of the recommended users section within the directory.”

The main list of all users

  • Filter by Interest: Use this dropdown to filter the main list of all users by Interest tags.

  • Filter by Skills: Use this dropdown to filter the main list of all users by Skill tags.

    • Inclusive Filters: All filters are inclusive, meaning users do not have to meet all selected criteria simultaneously to be included.


Selecting Technology as an interest and Teaching as a skill will display all users with either the interest in technology or the skill in teaching, or both.

  • Number of Users to Display: From the dropdown menu, select the number of users to display per page: 5, 10, 25, or 50. The default is set to 10.

    • Tooltip: “Number of users to display in the full list.”

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