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General settings

This guide is designed to assist clients and administrators in efficiently navigating to and setting up the specific features for their site's branding and theme presets.

Brand Assets | Theme


Updating the Brand Assets and Theme in the Site Admin General Settings section.

Brand Assets


Result / Use Case




Directions / Examples

Additional Information/ Requirements


  • The way your logo is used on the website:

Used in the top left corner of the header bar, users can quickly find their way back to the main landing page of your website.

Accepted file types:

‘png’, ‘jpg’, ‘jpeg’, ‘gif’, ‘webp’, ‘bmp’, ‘svg’


Click on or drag an image into the container to add your logo to your site.

  • A logo is a visual mark that represents a company or brand. It's often the first thing customers see and remember about a brand. A logo can be a simple wordmark, a graphic symbol or a combination of both. Branding is the process of creating a unique identity for a company or brand.


  • The way your logo is used on the website:

the little image on the browser tab

Accepted file types:

‘png’, ‘jpg’, ‘jpeg’, ‘gif’, ‘webp’, ‘bmp’, ‘svg’


Click on or drag an image into the container to add your favicon to your site.


Example Favicons


  • An icon associated with a URL that is displayed in the browser's address bar and or next to the site name in a bookmark list.

Sizing information

The standard size for a favicon is 16 pixels wide by 16 pixels high, which is the size that appears in browser tabs, favorites lists, and address bars. However, some favicons may need to be larger. For example, 32 pixels by 32 pixels is the size for taskbar shortcut icons, 96 pixels by 96 pixels is the size for desktop shortcut icons, and 180 pixels by 180 pixels is the size for Apple touch icons. 



choose your site's font and theme colors.


Result / Use Case




Directions / Examples


The theme font updates the primary font family used through the site.

  • Prompt

  • Arial

  • Verdana

  • Tahoma

  • Trebuchet MS

  • Times New Roman

  • Georgia

  • Garamond

  • Courier New

  • Brush Script MT


  • Prompt

Select the Theme font dropdown and choose from the options listed to update your sites theme font.

Primary Color


Affects buttons, highlighted menu items, loading spinners, other accents and is available to use while building pages or library content





Any hex code or RGBA colors


select the round color icon to either select a color from the Color Picker or enter a Hex or RGB color code.

Optionally, you can enter a HEX or RGB color code in the Pimary text input box.

Secondary Color

Available to use while building pages or library content

Any hex code or RGBA colors


select the round color icon to either select a color from the Color Picker or enter a Hex or RGB color code.

Optionally, you can enter a HEX or RGB color code in the Pimary text input box.

Accent Color

Available to use while building pages or library content

Any hex code or RGBA colors


 select the round color icon to either select a color from the Color Picker or enter a Hex or RGB color code.

Optionally, you can enter a HEX or RGB color code in the Pimary text input box.

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